Wednesday, August 17, 2011

2 of my many distractions!

Here are my 2 furry children! Both rescue cats. Milo is fatty mcfatty! He takes after me, his mama and is 14 years old. Mysterio is my bubba and takes after my skinny ex-boyfriend who rescued him! ha! He is 9 years old and is out the door before I get in the apartment because he has to go do security in our hallway!

My Boys!
As you can see they like to take up my entire desk area! What I don't understand is I could be sitting on the couch for hours while being ignored by them, yet the minute I sit at the desk to to some work, voila! there they are! But ya gotta luv'em!

When I figure out how to rotate this picture I will. I took it on my cellphone then emailed it to myself but nowhere along the way of uploading, saving did it give me the option to rotate!! ha!

Meow, Steph :0)

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