Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I got side tracked!

I have been writing Yelp reviews lately then that died off to.. so busy lately! No time for more than three online social networking sites for this girl! ha! I still can't figure out how to organize all my info for my blogging profile.  

Sad thing is my windows crashed and the kind soul who fixed everything for me saved all my documents and pics but I lost all my bookmarked pages :0( Including NYC, Philly, NFL and more! But as I start to reorganize my life and online files I promise to add them here as well. I hope you are all having a great summer filled with amazing friends, wonderful food and breath-taking views!

The Canada Pride weekend I organized with the help of my CSTO friends was a great success! I was so busy running around hosting events and up to 10 people one night that I forgot to take pictures! ha! Luckily my friend Paul took this picture of Liz and I on Canada Day!

Cheers, Steph :0)

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